Renters' Rights Bill 2024 Course
With significant changes to tenant laws and protections, understanding this new legislation is critical for landlords and letting agents.
We are excited to offer a half day Renters' Rights Bill 2024 Course designed to help you:
?Understand new legal protections and obligations
? Start preparing for these important changes
? Stay compliant with the latest landlord-tenant laws
? Learn how the new bill affects rent, evictions, and property maintenance requirements
Why This Course Matters: The Renters' Rights Bill introduces changes that impact millions of people across the country (including most lettings). This course won’t just tell you what the law says, it will explain what it will mean in practice. We will provide expert insights, practical advice to better manage this transition. Our focus will be on ensuring the future success of your business.
What’s Included:
- In-depth explanation of the Renters' Rights Bill 2024, including explaining what’s not in there (there are significant changes “by implication” that you cannot find by reading the bill, we will explain these too).
- Step-by-step information so you can plan to be compliant (planning ahead will be key)
- Time for all your questions and discussions
- Bonus materials: Notes to help you remember everything you have learned